Friday, January 1, 2010

request vent

I enjoy being a dj... I love music and it's cool when people have a good time. But I have to comment on the impatience/audacity of some people. Last night, I got about 6 requests for a certain song and some people kept requesting the song until I played it. I also had a special Michael Jackson set (which was advertised prior to the event) and 5 minutes into it, this chick comes up and says, "Are you, like, going to play something else besides Michael Jackson?" All I could do was roll my eyes... she obviously didn't pay attention to my announcement or use any type of common sense before she spoke.

To the people who feel it is necessary to bother djs, I pose a few questions. When you go out to a restaurant, do you ask your server for your dessert when they arrive at your table to take your drink order? Do you go to the movies and expect to see the ending first? Do complete strangers (not the person signing your paycheck) come into your cubicle, french fry station, or other applicable work environment and tell you how to do your job?

I'm not anyone's personal iPod or a jukebox. When I get a gig, I ask the promoter the type of people who will attend their event and what genres they want me to play...then I plan accordingly. I practice to perfect my craft. I research so I can have the newest cuts and find the older gems... The point being, I don't need people telling me how to do my job. Now, if someone tips me, that's another story...

In conclusion, a good dj will take you on a musical journey. If you don't like what the dj is playing, consider opening your mind, having another drink, and dancing. Chances are, he/she is going to play the song you want and you just have to be patient. And if the dj is that terrible, no amount of harassment will make him better... just keep drinking, keep your requests to yourself, and take comfort in knowing you can hear your beloved songs on your iPod.

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